
Curiosity is the key to being a lifelong learner! Hi, I’m Moe and I’m always curious. I started this blog as part of my never-ending pursuit of knowledge! I believe that learning is a lifestyle, and I’ve learned over the years that it’s important to adopt a growth mindset. It’s what keeps us growing and developing as humans. We have countless thoughts and ideas gushing through our brain on a daily basis, and believe it or not, each day that passes we’re inevitably smarter than yesterday without actively pursuing knowledge. We hear something new in the news, we have deep conversations with our friends over the phone, we discover new spots in our neighborhoods. All these are examples where we become smarter on a subconscious, passive level. Now imagine we start actively pursuing knowledge on the regular? Imagine how much smarter we can get?

I want share my journey with you in hopes of you benefiting from it in anyway sort or form. Through Thoughtous, I would love to provoke your thoughts and for you and me to become smarter every article! Thoughts spark more thoughts, and ideas spark even more ideas! So who knows? Maybe we’re one article away from discovering the next great thing, about ourselves or the world around us!