Growing up, I was always fascinated by technology! I had my first ever desktop computer back in 1999, had my first barely-smart phone in 2005, and was one of the early adopters of MySpace and Facebook, along with all the instant messaging software that ever existed. I was hooked and always thrilled to be on top of any new tech trend!

However, over the past 3 years, I’ve been actively trying to limit my consumption of technology and especially social media.

The Darkside of Technology

Now I don’t believe that anything can be completely good or bad. There are pros and cons to everything. So let me start off by discussing how I felt technology was harming me. I personally believe that technology is evolving at an alarming pace that the human mind can’t keep up with. Over the years, I realized that I was serving technology instead of it serving me, ironically. It seems that almost every piece of technology is competing for my attention nowadays. I lost control. I started feeling suffocated and trapped, both mentally and emotionally. And that in turn started manifesting into some dreadful physical symptoms.

According to a study published in June 2020, “potential harmful effects of extensive screen time and technology use include heightened attention-deficit symptoms, impaired emotional and social intelligence, technology addiction, social isolation, impaired brain development, and disrupted sleep.” I was personally experiencing 5 out of these 6 symptoms.

I was babysitting my phone on a daily basis, catering to its every need. A notification from this app, a notification from that app. Mindlessly scrolling through social media in search of nothing but craving this particular something that I’m still unaware of. Hour after hour wasted, instead of being productive. But that’s ok, tomorrow is a new day. Guess what? Rinse and repeat. It took me a while to realize how deep down the rabbit hole I was because, everything generally seemed “normal”. I mean everyone’s engaging on social media, right? So if I don’t I’ll be just missing out, right? RIGHT? That was my mindset until I suddenly realized how miserable, exhausted, and drained I was.

And not only that, I also started realizing how technology might be negatively impacting society as a whole. From my point of view, I noticed how overwhelmed people are becoming by it. Jobs being completely replaced by technology and the accompanying pressure for people to learn how to operate this complex technology instead of doing things in a simpler manner. Being even more overwhelmed with information overdose and analysis paralysis. We feel so connected through technology yet so disconnected in real life. I was taking the subway back home the other day and I was being mindful of how silent it was. I observed that every single person in my subway cart was neck-bent forward on their phones. Considering our somewhat innate social nature, would we have been communicating with one another instead had there been no smart phones? How’s our psyche keeping up with all this? Isn’t any of this alarming at all?

The Benefits of Technology

What about the pros though? According to the same study published in June 2020, “certain computer programs and videogames may improve memory, multitasking skills, fluid intelligence, and other cognitive abilities. Some apps and digital tools offer mental health interventions providing self-management, monitoring, skills training, and other interventions that may improve mood and behavior.”

I personally believe that consuming certain technological content, like video games, has helped fuel my creativity and improve my coordination. However, I sometimes question, at the expense of what? And might be there other ways that the same effects can be achieved but without technology?

What about bridging gaps between places? If it weren’t for transportation, most of us would be limited to a certain vicinity.

I also really appreciate how technology, and social media in particular has kept me connected it with a lot of people that I would have otherwise lost touch with. I appreciate having the ability to be in touch instantly and constantly with my family and friends. But that’s probably the full extent of what social media is to me now. Simply connecting meaningfully with my loved ones and disengaging with everything else that I feel is a waste of my own time and mental capacity.

Technology, in general, seems to be making our lives easier to an extent in certain aspects. Or is it make us inevitably lazier? Either way, I’m grateful for every piece of technology that we have so far and I believe that the responsibility is on ourselves to “properly” use technology for our own benefit and not let it abuse us instead. It’s all about self-control and everyone should establish their own definition of “meaningful” versus “meaningless” use. I feel just by being aware of that fact one can remain in control.

Modern Life Without Technology

Can we even image a world without technology nowadays? I mean heck, I wouldn’t be able to put out this article if it weren’t for technology. But let’s, for the sake of argument, try imagining a very primitive world that’s free of technology. Would we be happier? What would we be doing instead on a day to day basis? How will our relationships with the people around differ? Will the lack of options and opportunities be better for our mental well-being or will it feel too limiting? Are we ultimately better off living a simplistic primitive life without any technology? Or does technology make us inevitably better as a society?

While I wish we could answer all these questions with decisiveness, it’s very difficult to predict the outcome on the opposite side of the spectrum. The mind can only wonder and fantasize for now.

Finding That Sweet Balance, if It Can Ever Exist

“Balance is the key to life”, that’s one of the mantras that I currently live by. To wrap this up, I’m going to leave you with a final set of questions to ponder about. Is it possible that we find that sweet balance with technology use? Quite ironically, there are a lot of apps nowadays that promote mindfulness and digital wellbeing in acknowledgement of the negative impacts that modern technology has on the human psyche. But where does one draw the line? Can we ever live in harmony with technology?

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